Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Today Could Change Your Life!

From: Greg Clowminzer, Zen Coach

You and I both know that nobody I mean nobody can get you to do anything you don’t want to do, right!

There is absolutely know way somebody is going to make you change your diet, make you exercise, or get you to do the things you know you need to do in order to develop yourself and grow your business.

Or, is there?

“It’s not the job of a coach to make pigs fly. It’s your coach’s job to develop your wings so that you can soar like an eagle.”

If you are finally ready to take real control of your personal and professional development and make sure you are on the fast track towards success, freedom, and fulfillment then I urge you to call my office to receive your free copy of the Business & Life Success Coaching Questionnaire then complete it and call my office at 760-930-9604 to schedule a complimentary coaching session to review what matters most to you.

Completing this questionnaire helps you get crystal clear about your goals, priorities and the obstacles that are robbing you from experiencing more success, joy and happiness.

Whether you want to experience more financial success, personal fulfillment, communicate more effectively, negotiate more powerfully, produce remarkable results, have a stronger sense of Self, and live your life consciously and purposefully, help is only a phone call away.

I work with a limited number of private coaching clients at a time so make sure to call my office today at 760-930-9604 to schedule your complimentary coaching session.

Call now! 760-930-9604

In love and service,


Monday, November 19, 2007

The Six Signs of Professional Burn Out

1. Feeling Stuck, Trapped, and Out of Control
2. Put on more than 10lbs in the last 12 months
3. Edgy, irritable and tend to overreact
4. Finds it difficult to sleep at night
5. Increased use of alcohol and/or drugs
6. Withdrawing from friends, family and associates

Warning: Don’t even think about hiring a life coach until you read this.

Attn: Control Freaks, Skeptics, and Cynics

Why almost everyone you know is stressed out, unhappy and feeling like a big loser including your friends, family and business associates who have hot babes, tons of money and fast cars.

The Top 10 Reason Why People Are Unhappy and Stressed Out

1. Their past is running them
2. Poor communication and life skills
3. In a bad relationship
4. No Game Plan
5. Don’t know who to trust and where to find help
6. Trying to live up to someone else’s expectations
7. Not making enough money
8. Pride get in your way and you don’t ask for help
9. Lacking support from family, friends, or associates
10. Lack of development of Mind, Body, and Spirit

Whether you want to experience more financial success, personal fulfillment, communicate more effectively, negotiate more powerfully, produce remarkable results, have a stronger sense of Self, and live your life consciously and purposefully, help is only a phone call away.

I only work with a limited number of private coaching clients at a time so make sure to call my office today at 760-930-9604 to schedule your complimentary coaching session.

Call Now! 760-930-9604

Friday, November 09, 2007

7 P's Personal Performance Process

"It is not only by the questions we have answered that
progress may be measured, but also by those we are still
asking. ...knowledge alters what we seek as well as what we
find." - Freda Adler

*** COACH'S TIP ***

This is one of the most important tools you may ever use!!!!

Smart questions spark insights. Every month, we recommend
you spend time questioning your lif7 P's Personal Performance
Processe using the. It will give you clarity, balance,
solutions and priorities

Time to make sure your ship is steering the right course. We
recommend about 1 hour per month and 4 hours per quarter
to really review, reflect, re-orient, re-plan, recommit
and realize rewards. Ideally take a weekend and have a mini
retreat which gives you uninterrupted time. This can be such a
powerful, enlightening and rewarding session. Please do not
procrastinate it away. You are the only one who can do it.

Spend at least 30 minutes and answer all of the questions
below. Be brutally honest with yourself. These questions
catch your blind spots, keep you on track and help improve
your habits. When you ask them regularly, you will become
more focused, clear, creative, purposeful, aware and


Smart Questions - The 7 P's Personal Performance Process:

Patterns, processes, procrastination - habits
- Where can I be more effective in what I am doing?
- What 5 things have I been procrastinating?
- What are my time wasters?
- How can I enhance my inter-personal skills?

Problems, past, pain
- Where am I vulnerable?
- Where do I hold myself back?
- What am I afraid of?
- Where do I not like myself?
- What stresses me?
- For what problems must I ask for solutions?

Perceptions and perspectives of myself and others
- What are the hidden agendas of my boss or partner or
- What contacts or friends do I want to develop more?
- What negative or limiting thoughts keep jumping into
my mind?
- What key choices must I make?

- How can I increase my abundance?
- In what areas should I obtain more learning?
- What specific actions should I take to be more
productive at work?
- What important project have I been putting off?

Principles and values
- What 3 areas in my life must I recommit to?
- Where must I clarify my stand or position?
- What deeds or actions must I forgive or accept?
- What must I do to bring more balance into my life?
- What value is most important for me to master now?

Purpose, potential, passion, power, possibilities, path
- What are my deepest heart-felt desires, dreams and
- Where am I unclear of my life purpose and goals?
- How can I experience a greater sense of meaning in life?
- Where are some opportunities for me to give?

Peace of mind, play, pleasure, pamper
- When do I feel greatest happiness in my life?
- What activities do I find fun, and how can I do more
of them?
- What new ideas are teasing me these days?

When you have completed the answers, ask yourself, "What am
I missing? Is there anything else?" Use questions often. The
subconscious mind is always answering. We must only practice
asking and then listening.


"Questions focus our thinking. Ask empowering questions
like: What's good about this? What's not perfect about it
yet? What am I going to do next time? How can I do this and
have fun doing it?" -- Charles Connolly

What is a Mastermind?